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Thank you for joining the waitlist!
Thank you for joining the list!
Your name and email address will be added to the parent and caregiver group waitlist. When more details about the group are ready, you will be notified right away.
If you or someone you know, is struggling with an eating disorder, challenges with food, or struggling with body image, you are in the right place.
As you joined this waitlist, you may be interested in one or more of the following:
Navigating eating disorder recovery or treatment,
Guidance on how to support a loved one, in repairing their relationship with food and body, and this process of healing,
Support with recovery from disordered eating or challenges with food and body,
Working on improving body image,
Learning about an anti-diet, Health at Every Size® approach to health and wellbeing,
Navigating healing your own relationship with food and body.
You may also be interested to learn about other upcoming events or trainings about these topics. I will keep you posted on any new events or new content that comes out.
I take emailing you very seriously. I will not send too many emails, as I do not want to contribute to “email overload” for anyone on my list. I plan to send periodic emails - a max of once per week, with the exception of times where there is an event coming up and I may need to send more emails for reminders! If at any time the emails get to be too much for you, or if are they no longer relevant to you, you can unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email.
I hope to provide you with the information that is relevant to you. If my emails are not providing you with what you are looking for, please feel free to reach out and let me know. I greatly appreciate (constructive ;) feedback. If I can provide more of the things that you need, I’d be happy to do so.
Warm regards,